The Master Plan has been prepared, having regard for the Caravan and Camping Regulations and the opportunities and constraints of the existing Caravan Park site. The Master Plan is not a detailed design and doesn’t represent specific funding or staging commitments. Rather, it establishes a roadmap to guide future improvements.
Chalets Sites for chalets are provided in the south west of the site, with two to be developed initially and provision for a total of five. Two of the chalets are 1 bedroom and three contain 2 bedrooms. One of the five chalets is to be a disabled access chalet.
Sites A total of 22 sites are provided for 17 sites have power available with 5 being unpowered. The unpowered sites can be transitioned to powered if sufficient demand arises.
Ablutions and Camp Kitchen Upgrades to the existing ablutions and kitchen / BBQ area are proposed to provide additional space and allow all weather access.
Recreation / play area A recreation / play area has been formalised in the north east. This space could be used for any type of playground equipment. 
Internal roads The existing internal roadway with a width of approximately six metres will be retained, with an additional one way road (five metre width) providing an added exit point to the north west of the site.
Landscaping Retention of existing trees, planting of additional local species that once established will not require too much attention and additional watering. The landscaping has been designed to provide screening, particularly from the public road network and residential dwellings. Landscaping is also specified between campsites to provide further privacy.
Fencing Perimeter fencing is proposed, in order to provide security. Open style fencing is considered appropriate to ensure high levels of visual amenity for both occupants of the Park and neighbouring residents.
When will this be progressed?
Following a period of public comment in August 2020, Council endorsed the final version of the Master Plan in October 2020. Delivery of the Master Plan would be progressed over a number of years, through seeking external funding for major stages, and also through Council’s annual budgeting process. The preparation of the Master Plan provides the ability to progress components of the Plan as funding becomes available, and ensures these components are integrated into a strategic plan for the entire site.
Pingelly Caravan Park Master Plan