Youth Strategy 2021-25
Consultation undertaken by the Shire indicated the community ranked ‘youth engagement’ as the most critical issue facing Pingelly into the next decade. In response the Shire has prepared the Pingelly Youth Strategy 2021-25 to formally acknowledge its commitment to supporting young people in Pingelly. For the first time, a whole of community, structured framework will be developed to guide the Shire’s involvement in youth service provision and ensure young people are formally considered in decision making and future planning.
The Shire has a leadership role in understanding and responding to the needs of young people in the community and representing their interests to other spheres of Government and the broader community. The priorities outlined in the Strategy will be used to inform the program of work undertaken by the Shire and local youth service providers.
The Strategy formalises the Pingelly Youth Network set out below to progress the actions of the Youth Strategy.
Pingelly Youth Network
This Network meets at least three times a year to ensure coordination of early years and youth activities and services in Pingelly, while remaining responsive to emerging issues and needs impacting young people. The Pingelly Youth Network consists of representatives from:

Above: Inaugural meeting of the Pingelly Youth Network in 2020 with original members.
Pingelly Youth Precinct
Following the adoption of the Youth Strategy and consideration by the Youth Network, Council resolved to advertise the Pingelly Youth Precinct for feedback, including the relocation of the childcare facilities to to the old bowling club building. This advertising will commence shortly, primarily through direct consultation with key stakeholders.