Tourism Strategy 2020-21
Council has endorsed the Pingelly Tourism Strategy 2020-24, following an extensive six month program of consultation with the community. The Shire of Pingelly, in partnership with the Pingelly Tourism Group, has developed the contents of the Strategy based on the ideas and discussions captured from the community workshops.
With participation from local businesses, community groups and local residents, the Strategy reflects a whole of community lens to supporting local tourism development in Pingelly during the next four years.
A whole of tourism sector approach was explored by considering five key focus areas that align the emerging opportunities within the capacity of our community. These focus areas include:
- Product and Experience Development
- Partnerships
- Infrastructure
- Marketing and Promotion
- Events
The delivery of the outcomes will take place in a staged approach with updates shared with the wider community as milestones are achieved. The whole of community, structured framework will guide tourism development and ensure visitors to Pingelly are formally considered in decision making and future planning.
Project Updates
Pingelly Tourism Strategy 2020-24 endorsed | 15 December 2020
Draft Tourism Strategy: Community Comment | 31 August 2020
Tourism Strategy Workshop follow up | 17 June 2020
Tourism Strategy Workshop advertisement | 11 June 2020
Pingelly Tourism Strategy 2020-24