Memorial Park Redevelopment
In 2020/21 the undeveloped sections of Memorial Park will be revitalised to improve opportunities for residents and visitors to meet, rest and play. The key amenity will be redeveloped to include additional playgrounds for all ages, shade, multi-use community areas, toilets, and an electric vehicle charging station, while retaining the existing memorial and formal ceremonial space.
The redevelopment will enhance the character of Pingelly, encourage activity, longer visitation and a diverse range of formal and informal activities including events.
The project is proudly supported by the Shire of Pingelly and the Australian Government's Drought Communities Programme.
Latest News
19 November 2021 | Memorial Park Opening
23 August 2021 | Old Courthouse Lease Opportunity - Extension
13 August 2021 | Memorial Park's transformation unveiled
5 August 2021 | Behind the fence view
28 July 2021 | Project update
5 July 2021 | Old Courthouse Lease Opportunity
8 June 2021 | Project update
4 May 2021 | Project update
2 February 2021 | Construction begins
14 December 2020 | Concept Plan endorsed by Council
3 November 2020 | Founding announcement
1 July 2020 | Community consultation follow up
20 May 2020 | Community consultation