Memorial Park Redevelopment Update

Published on Wednesday, 1 July 2020 at 12:00:00 AM

Thank you to everyone who participated in the community consultation on the Pingelly Memorial Park Redevelopment Draft Concept Plan. Council considered the feedback received and has endorsed the following changes:

  • The rotunda is a highly valued asset in the Park and will be retained in line with 68% of the response received. The only modification to be made will be a new pathway surrounding the rotunda to improve accessibility.
  • The skatepark and pump track have been removed from the Concept Plan to avoid cluttering the precinct and will be considered in the future for placement elsewhere within the Pingelly town site.
  • Feedback supported the additional play spaces to be situated behind the Courthouse and adjacent to the existing playground. The recent Pingelly Tourism Workshop reinforced the important role of quality play spaces to enhance the visitor experience in the Pingelly CBD.
  • No concerns were received about the closure of Scudds Lane. The closure of Scudds Lane will enable the eastern and western areas of Memorial Park to consolidate, so the play spaces flow seamlessly into the passive recreational spaces.
  • 17 responses supported the provision of Toilets, while 6 suggested the Town Hall facilities were adequate for the area. Toilets were considered an essential facility in the precinct to enhance safety and supervision for parents with young children who currently need to cross Parade Street (Great Southern Highway) as an entire family to access facilities.

Next steps 
A funding submission will now be prepared in accordance with the revised Concept Plan. Upon notification of funding success, further opportunities to have your say will be available

Looking for more information?
Read the Council Minutes and Attachments from June 2020 on the Shire's website or contact the Shire Office.

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