Pingelly Child Care Centre Update
The Pingelly Child Care Centre (PCCC) is a state-of-the-art facility designed to cater to the needs of families, with separate daycare and playgroup areas. This expansion enables the daycare service to operate 4-5 days a week and introduce Outside School Hours (OSH) care, offering parents more flexibility in their work schedules while providing an enriched learning environment for children. The initiative not only benefits the local community by addressing childcare needs but also contributes to economic growth, especially in light of the current labour shortage.
Collaborating with the current daycare provider, REED (Regional Early Education & Development Inc), the Shire of Pingelly has made significant progress toward realising this vision:
- Community and stakeholder consultations were conducted in May 2023.
- A lease agreement was established between the Shire and REED for the daycare area.
- REED secured a substantial grant for renovating and outfitting the daycare section, including purchasing new play equipment.
- Funding was allocated by the Shire for the renovation and outfitting of the playgroup area.
- Construction work, including interior walls, electrical updates, asbestos management, and toilet renovations, has been completed by the Shire.
- Renovation and outfitting of both daycare and playgroup sections are nearing completion.
However, several tasks remain to be finalised:
- Installation of fencing around the daycare playground by REED.
- Surveying of both interior and exterior areas of the daycare by a licensed surveyor to determine maximum capacity.
- Accreditation of the daycare by the National Childcare Accreditation Council (NCAC), expected to take 3-4 months.
- Transfer of play equipment and shade sails from the existing facility to the playgroup area of PCCC.
These tasks must be completed sequentially to ensure the smooth transition and completion of the expanded childcare services.