Live and Local Music Project
In partnership with the Live Music Office and Australasian Performing Right Association and Australasian Mechanical Copyright Owners Society (APRA AMCOS), the Shire of Pingelly will be the first local government in Western Australia to deliver Live and Local; a capacity building program to increase the number of opportunities for live music activations within Pingelly, support the professional development of local and regional musicians, as well as develop a Pingelly Live Music Strategy to support live and local music development into the future.
The WA state government recently identified live music as a critical avenue to support social and economic recovery from COVID-19. Live and Local is a timely opportunity for Pingelly to activate traditional and non-traditional performance spaces with live music events and stimulate local employment opportunities for musicians.
About Live and Local
The live music events will be delivered from venues, parks and streetscapes to create opportunities for the local community to come together, as well as attract daytrip and weekend visitors to Pingelly. Already, live music is an important component of existing events delivered in Pingelly, but this project will also support new opportunities for community groups and local businesses to program live music on an ongoing basis.
The professional development campaign will equip musicians, community groups and business owners with the knowledge to develop their business, performance and event skills. Delivered in partnership with the Australian Music Industry Network, topics will include DIY business basics, marketing, how to put on a great gig, copyright and royalties, streaming and digital platforms, tips for a resilient music career, as well as music industry insights.
The live music events and professional development will culminate an opportunity for the Pingelly community to come together and develop a Pingelly Live Music Strategy. The Strategy will identify our community's opportunities and challenges, while ensuring our local businesses and community groups are supported to program live music on an ongoing basis after the project concludes in September 2021.
Live and Local is presented by Shire of Pingelly in partnership with the Live Music Office and APRA AMCOS. Live and Local has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts, its arts funding and advisory body.
Project Updates
Live and Local Music Project Update | 11 March 2021
Introducing the Pingelly Live and Local Working Group | 7 December 2020
Launching the Pingelly Live and Local Music Project | 6 October 2020