Published on Tuesday, 28 February 2023 at 5:11:49 PM
In response to the requirements of the Heritage Act 2018, the Shire of Pingelly has engaged a heritage consultant to undertake a review of the 1995 Municipal Heritage Inventory. This document is split in two parts - 1995 Municipal Heritage Inventory Part 1 and 1995 Municipal Heritage Inventory Part 2.
Laura Gray, a consultant experienced in heritage in the regions, has been engaged to undertake the review. Community consultation is an important part of the review because it is about your heritage. Heritage is understood as that which we value, although for this project, we are considering place-built places and sites of cultural significance.
The review will update the original Municipal Heritage Inventory completed in 1995 and prepare the 2022 Local Heritage Survey. The Local Heritage Survey will include the places on the 1995 list, and any other places that members of the community consider of heritage value.
There are guidelines for the assessment of heritage value, that the consultant will reference, as determined by the State Planning Policy 3.5 and The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage’s Criteria for the assessment of local heritage places and areas for the purpose of compiling Local Heritage Surveys. The guidelines and assessment criteria provide a base line so that all heritage places in Western Australia are assessed at the same level.
The Shire’s 1995 heritage inventory lists 71 places. Only one of those places is on the Register of Heritage Places (Pingelly Post Office - former). That is a place of State significance and is protected under the Heritage Act 2018. That is the highest level of significance and constraints.
The places on the existing 1995 list and any that the community nominates, will be of varying degrees of significance and will be assessed against the criteria, by the consultant. Places assessed as having a higher level of significance will form a “Heritage List” within the Local Heritage Survey. The “Heritage List” places will have some requirements relevant to the Shire’s planning scheme with the intention of retaining the cultural heritage significance of that place when considering future development. Owner consultation regarding any “Heritage List” places will be an important part of the process.
The places not of that high level of the “Heritage List”, will be the majority of the places on the Local Heritage Survey, and will have no constraints. All nominations and existing listings will be assessed against the criteria before draft recommendations are made to Council, and the community will have the opportunity to respond to the draft recommendations.
Your assistance in identifying any places you thinks should be recorded as part of Pingelly heritage, would be much appreciated. Your contribution to the process is an opportunity to be further informed, involved and play a role in the future of the heritage of Pingelly. To nominate a place to the Local Heritage Survey, please email or call the Shire at 08 98871066.

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